Platinum girl - A tribute to Blondie

Platinum girl - A tribute to Blondie

  1. Hangin' on the telephone - Mephisto Walz
  2. Shayla - Berlin vs. Meeks
  3. Dreaming - Spahn Ranch featuring Vylette
  4. Call me - Tiffany 
  5. I'm gonna love you too - Swing Cats with Christi Ellen Harris
  6. Rapture - Michellle Crispin
  7. Sunday girl - Rosetta Stone with Mula
  8. Rush rush - The Electric Hellfire Club
  9. The tide is high - Sheep On Drugs
  10. Accidents never happen - Ex-Voto
  11. Heart of glas - Angela Bruyiere
  12. Rapture - Razed In Black with Shirley Dayton
  13. For your eyes only - Cherie Currie
  14. One way or another (synical remix) - Puppie

© 2000 Cleopatra